What makes CAUCASUS TRAVEL different
Founders of Caucasus Travel
Saba Kiknadze, Nick Erkomaishvili,
David Rakviashvili
Founders of Caucasus Travel
Saba Kiknadze,
Nick Erkomaishvili,
David Rakviashvili

I think that no one who has ever worked for the company would disagree, that Caucasus Travel means: if not school, home, friendship, team, work, dedication, success, leadership, innovation, commitment… then at least a perfect base to open any doors to the tourism industry in Georgia. We are proud of our excellent team, as well as our colleagues – the great professionals who work with us and who we still consider as part of our “friendship club”. – Caucasus Travel forever

Saba Kiknadze
Chairman of Board
Founding Partner
Little bit of History In the late 80’s, we – a
group of friends, mountaineers, people of different professions united by a love for the
mountains – decided to create an organization to promote mountaineering and apply it to
practical, even commercial projects… and the Georgian Guiding Service (GGS) was born.
GGS’s main activity was organizing trips, participating in rescue missions, and
exchanging visits with mountaineers from other nations.
Later, a little metamorphosis brought an extension to the name: Georgian Guide Service –
Caucasian Travel. It was a sign of our intention to start a travel agency, despite that
tourism to Georgia was still in its infancy. However, in 1991 we decided to focus more
on tourism and were inspired by the prospect of promoting our beloved country Georgia,
its culture, nature, history, traditions, and customs to a world that we were just
opening to. It was the time when Soviet Union was “passing away” and our country was
making its first steps towards toward independence.
Introducing Georgia and the Caucasus to the world became the main mission of our
Company, which is entirely dedicated to safety, high-quality services, sincere
hospitality, innovation, and rock-solid dependability. We continue with the same
dedication and zeal we had thirty years ago when we first opened our doors, having
welcomed tens of thousands of tourists from all over the globe and providing them with
an outstanding experience within the context of our great services.
Experience & Leadership Caucasus Travel was the
first and only firm to concentrate on the inbound tourism of the newly independent
republic of Georgia and the whole south Caucasus area as a new and appealing tourist
destination in 1991. In the early 1990s, we were the first travel agency of the Caucasus
to participate in major tourist trade fairs throughout the world, investing time,
effort, and funds to exposing our destination to the worldwide travel business.
For almost three decades, we have been the tour operator of choice for individuals
seeking exceptional, due to uncompromised quality, innovation, safety, and value
of our products/services. Caucasus Travel collaborates with more than 300 international
tour operators, travel agencies, incentive houses, conference organizers, and
professional groups from all over the world.

Professional Staff with tremendous Experience Our company’s managers and employees have received specialized training in tourist management from prestigious institutions in Europe, the United States, and Japan. Caucasus Travel employs and contracts with individuals from a variety of professional backgrounds. This enables us to competently and successfully plan, design, and carry out various tours in many fields of interest: archaeology, history, culture, art, ethnology, mountaineering, trekking… Consequently, our programs are not derived from pre-existing templates, but rather were created by us from scratch and have become industry standards.
The Caucasus Travel office team counts over 30 people taking care of entire operations, product development, planning, finances, marketing strategy, sales, tour operations, etc. Permanent practice, training, and teambuilding maintain our staff’s professional excellence and cohesiveness.
We also employ over 100 periodical workers, such as guides, assistants, drivers, service staff, etc. They are the best professionals in their fields: well experienced, trained, and motivated. Most of them are working solely with us, some are freelancers. It is a great and big team, however surely, we always have an operational backup team on standby. It is unlikely, but in case of an extra or emergency need, whether in the field or a city, the backup teams are ready to immediately provide any needed services or support and solve any problem, if such arise.

Partnership & Network
The decades-long, mutually beneficial relationship with our partners and
suppliers is our greatest asset and greatest strength. We have built our network on
mutual trust with our loyal partners in the cities and rural areas of Georgia and the
Caucasus. One can guess that during years of mutually successful businesses and sincere
relationships, we have developed a huge network of partnerships in accommodation,
catering, transportation, and other fields of supply.
As a DMC, we have the best tour operator partners in Azerbaijan and Armenia. We have
always been very selective of who we work with based on a variety of factors, such as
quality, dependability, originality, and other essential attributes for a trustworthy
working relationship. We are proud of our partners. They are the most experienced,
professional, enthusiastic, and committed – true leaders of their markets.

Financial Transparency and Accountability Even from its earliest days as a small firm, Caucasus Travel demonstrated a high level of fiscal responsibility and accountability. As honest and loyal taxpayers, we are proud to make an equal input into the country’s economic development. For the last 10 years, our financial performance has been audited by PKF (one of the top 10 international audit companies) and by the best Georgian financial audit experts.
Liabilities & Insurance
In Georgia, like in many other developing nations, professional liability insurance was
unavailable for a considerable length of time. However, we were lucky (probably not the
only) to have gone through those years without cases that would have needed liability
insurance. During the last 30 years, there have been times when, owing to the caprice of
nature, roads were blocked, groups were stuck in the high mountains, an emergency
transfer of an injured climber was required, customers’ insurance did not cover certain
situations, and other unforeseen occurrences occurred. We can proudly admit that even in
such cases, we never left our guests, partners, in trouble. We have always found a way
to solve the problem, sharing the burden, and not leaving it on our partner’s or guest’s
shoulders alone.
Nowadays, thanks to market and insurance business development, we now have a variety of
insurance options available, and we are now covered by the best. Caucasus Travel is
insured by professional liability insurance with an aggregate limit of 1 million USD.
This is the current maximum range requested by our partners, although it may be expanded
if necessary.

Never stopping innovation is a “special signature” of Caucasus Travel. The Company has pioneered market-driven techniques, systems, professional methods, workflow styles, content approach criteria, and other aspects of the tour operator industry. We are pleased to report that the country’s tourism sector has embraced some of these throughout the years. The crown of our innovations is TourBuilder™ , our travel management software for planning, design, pricing, communications, reservations, monitoring, and control of tour operations. Developed by Partiture OL, based-on Caucasus Travel’s best operational practices, TourBuilder™ helps boost productivity, efficiently control operations, keep an eye on safety, and focus more on quality and creativity, allowing to build the best experiences for customers.

Quality We carefully select and assess each product before we introduce it to the market. We always send our professional team members (our manager, guides, technical personnel, and contracted specialists) on reconnaissance missions to any new spots and points of interest to develop a quality product. We direct all the steps in the chain of product development – from generating ideas to designing logistical schemes of day-to-day operations. We constantly monitor and develop services in close cooperation with our suppliers (hotels, restaurants, transportation providers, etc.). When developing a product, should this be for individuals or groups, tours, or events, we are uncompromised for safety and quality. Providing the best services in the range has been the rule of the company since its establishment.

High Value for Right Price Thanks to our strong purchasing power we can offer our partners and consumers exclusive rates at quality hotels and for other services. There is always a meeting point of value and price, and we are well-skilled at hitting that target. We try to avoid making deals which would require us to trade off the quality of our goods for a lower price.
Flexibility We are extremely flexible at meeting our customers’ needs and priorities. Always keeping the best value/price relativity, we provide appropriate products to travelers of all economic backgrounds, from budget to luxury. Designing special, and bespoke products, and customizing existing ones, is what we do best. So, please contact us, feel free to design, develop, or modify our already fascinating tours to meet your highest expectations.
So, let us be your hosts and experience unforgettable moments of genuine hospitality.

Maia Kiknaze
General Director, Partner

Maia Kiknadze
General Director, Partner
I’ve been with Caucasus Travel since 1997, and I’ll never forget how the day after my interview I hopped in a van with a few other employees for a tour of Georgia to get to know the area and prepare for the job. It was a real adventure after all those years in college and those few months as a bank office manager.
It’s easy to fall in love with tourism, so since then I’ve worked as a guide, assistant, reservationist, tour operator, sales & marketing, and administrative manager, and today I am very glad to represent Caucasus Travel and its great team.
We have over 30 people in the office and more than 100 people in field service teams, such as guides, assistants, drivers, service workers, and so on. Those in the field are the faces of the Company for our guests and perform the final and most important part of our business – the provision of services, while those in the office are managing the operations of the Company, planning, finance, marketing, sales, tour operations, services, and so on. Both the office and field staff are united under one task and criteria – to be perfect hosts to our guests, providing the best services, giving them unforgettable experiences and genuine hospitality.
Caucasus Travel managers speak two-three foreign languages. Apart from English, dedicated officers and staff speak Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian.
Product & sales managers are the most important officers of the Company. They oversee product creation and development, design, sales, communication with partners, and supervising operations – they are the chiefs of their markets and operations. They coordinate efforts with each other and, of course, with the Company management. Their departments, formed by tour operators and project managers, are small centers of expertise and the perfect soil for career growth for newcomers.
The supply, service, and financial team members are the hidden heroes of our battle to provide the best product to our guests and to meet and exceed their expectations. Managers and other staff of this unit have very tense and responsible missions, which they perform to the highest standard.
The administrative and financial teams keep doing their routines, but they have an extremely important role in the success of our company. Dealing with hundreds of contractors, suppliers, and employees, defending our interests, and at the same time, keeping our reputation as a good partner, employer, and taxpayer is an extremely important job, and they perform it perfectly.
So, let me introduce,
most reliable

Gvantsa Razmadze
Director, Sales & Marketing
Gvantsa, graduated from Tbilisi State University of Economic Relations (BA and Tourism Marketing) and worked at the National Tourism Administration, leading the marketing office for 10 years. She joined the Caucasus Travel team in 2012. Gvantsa’s 22 years of tourism marketing practice plays a crucial role in the company’s success.

Tamuna Sidamonidze
Director, Finances
Tamuna has strong background in financial management. She joined Company in 2008. Before she was working for various leading private companies. The experience, gained over the years, allows her to lead not only our financial team with great confidence, but leading company’s various projects to success.
Levan Erkomaishvili
Director, Operations & Office
Levan has a degree in Trade Economics Management, having more than 20 years’ experience in logistics management. In 2007 he joined the company as a transportation manager. His skills in management and organization brought him to the position of deputy GM, taking care of operations and office.
Maya Katsashvili
Product & Sales Manager
UK, USA & Canada, Australia, South Africa, Europe
Maya worked as a tour guide at Caucasus Travel since 2005 and in 2007 joined our Tour Operators team. The experience working as a guide played an important role in her successful career. She graduated Tbilisi State University of Language & Culture in 2003 and got Master’s Degree in Public Administration (Analytical Group) at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs.
Keti Aspindzelashvili
Product & Sales Manager
Canada, Brazil, France, Benelux, Italy, North Europe
Having passion for Travel and loving Georgia very much, Keti has been working as a Product and Sales manager at Caucasus Travel since 2004. She graduated the State Academy of Fine Arts. Keti has been working as a tour guide and textile artist. As painter by education, Keti is enthusiastic to develop and work on special tour products focused on Art, Crafts, Culture, Archaeology etc.

Kristina Papunashvili
Product & Sales Manager
Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong China, India , Singapore, Malaysia
Kristina has been working at Caucasus Travel since 2006. After graduating the University, she continued study in Japan. She worked for EXPO 2005, Aichi, Japan as an interpreter and PR Officer. Her Japanese live experience, Knowledge of the culture and traditions of Japan and Asian countries helps her to be outstanding expert in incoming travel business from far east and Indochina market.
Sopio Bolkvadze
Product & Sales Manager
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Eastern Europe
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Eastern Europe Sopio has been on the Caucasus Travel team since 2011. She holds degrees in History of Art and Education, from Tbilisi State University and Karlsruhe University of Education. For several years she worked at the Goethe Institute in Georgia. Sopio’s excellent knowledge of German culture is key for great communications with partners and customers. .
Tamara Trushina
Product & Sales Manager
Eastern Europe, Baltic Countries, Ukraine, CIS
Tamara graduated from Tbilisi State University of Economic Relations. She started in the travel industry as a tour guide when she was 18. After much practice, she joined our team of tour operators in 2011. Today as a product & sales manager, she is a very respected operator in her market area. Apart from that, Tamara is a great event organizer and expert in MICE business.

Eka Berdzenishvili
Product & Sales Manager
Spain, Portugal, South and Central America
Eka joined Caucasus Travel in 2014, after years of practice as a tour guide. She is educated as interpreter and simultaneous translator in English, however her excellent Castilian Spanish is always noted by guests or partners. Eka has great knowledge of culture and history of the Spanish-speaking world. Her dedication, responsibility, and commitment make her a very successful tour operator
Nino Lortkipanidze
Product & Sales Manager
Portugal, Brazil, South American countries
Nino is an architect by education. She has fallen in love with the architecture, art, and culture of Georgia. Another great passion of hers is the Portuguese language. Even while being a tour operator, Nino still loves working as a tour guide. In addition, she is translating a book by a great Portuguese-language writer to Georgian, making her input into an important cultural link.

Marishka Javakhadze
Customer Relations Manager
Marishka completed her high school studies in New York City and received her Bachelor’s degree in London University of LSC. Afterwards, she continued her education in the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA). Apart from her great communication skills in the customer relations field, Marishka is committed to the organization of events and MICE projects with great creativity and dedication.

Tamta Tuashvili
Catering & Events Manager
Tamta has a degree in Journalism. Thanks to Tamta’s enthusiasm and organizational skills, our guests are getting familiar to a variety of Georgian cuisine and wine and enjoying true hospitality and excellent services. She has great experience of working in the HoReCa business doing events organization and has an excellent relationship with a huge network of suppliers.

Lika Namgaladze
Accommodation Manager
In 2013, Lika started working as a reservation’s assistant. Due to her hardworking skills, she contributed a lot in enlarging our network of accommodation providers, from big hotels to small apartments and village homestays in the mountainous parts of Georgia. Having many years of successful cooperation with our suppliers, she is the heart of the reservations department
Natia Meladze
Administrative Manager
Natia started working as an administrative manager in 2018. With her strong communications skills she quickly established successful relationships with all partners, suppliers, and contractors. Before joining our team, she graduated in Journalism and was employed by several Georgian and Greek TV channels. She also worked in tourism and sales in Greece for several years.

Guram Uzarashvili
Transportation Manager
Guram joined Caucasus Travel in 2011. He has a degree in Economics. Guram is responsible for very complicated transportation and logistics at our company. His hardworking style and professional, planning, and supervising skills allow us to offer our customers reliable, smooth, well-planned, and comfortable transportation services.

Givi Nikvashvili
Chief Accountant
He has up to 40 years experience in Accounting, Taxation and Financial Planning areas. Givi joined our company in 2000 and brought “greatest respect to every bill or invoice”. As guardian of our cash flow, he keeps all happy - Customers, Suppliers, Staff, Audits and most importantly handling operations with great focus and confidence.

Nino Makadze
Financial Controller
Nino has been working at Caucasus Travel since 2015 as an accountant. She has more than 15 years working experience in the field. Graduated from Georgian Technical university in 2005. In 2009 She become the magister in Tourism Management.

Natia Gulaghashvili
Natia joined Caucasus Travel Team in 2018 as an Assistant Accountant. After that, she worked
as a Reservation Manager.
Now Natia is Cost Controller in our financial team. She graduated from Tbilisi State
University’s MBA program and still studying in Acca Georgia.
She has working experience as an accountant in RSM Georgia as well.
… and more employs, guides, drivers…. Members of the Excellent Team
We take pleasure in our business

… and will be genuinely happy and proud to be your host.

… and will be genuinely happy and
proud to be
your host.

UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
On April 4th, 2017 Caucasus Travel signed the document of Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. Caucasus Travel is among five hundred sixty private enterprises Worldwide, that joined the Global Code of Ethics and Corporate responsibility.
We were honoured to receive that document from hands of Mr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of UNWTO. Couple of other Georgian companies also honoured to sign the document, which is indication of country’s tourism industry achievements.
Actually, we’re committed to the criteria of Global Code of Ethics, much earlier, from very first steps.

Caucasus Travel was established at beginning of most turbulent times of modern Georgias history. As a result of ethnic conflicts and Russian occupation, collapse of economy, ethnic cleansing and hundreds of thousands of Internally Displaced Persons and many other unfortunate developments, Georgia’s tourism infrastructure was entirely destroyed.
In fact Caucasus Travel not only pioneered new tourism of country, but also acted as human capital and capacity builder of rural and remote areas of Georgia. Company rushed in searching and bringing on board motivated, hard-working people - home and vehicle owners in Tbilisi and regions, now job-less scientists, academics, professors, teachers, young villagers, farmers, etc. Therefore creating supply circle, which apparently became foundation for newly built incoming tourism infrastructure of Georgia. All that was built on a fair base and supporting local communities.
At that times, there was no Corporate Social Responsibility meaning at that times in the country that just started free market development and having “baby” private sector. So, that’s why we are proud of our deeds.

Supporting Georgia’s Travel Industry development
Tourism is smoothly distributing wealth, bringing sustainability to S&M’s, local
communities, individuals those participating in the chain of supply. Thousands of people
benefited from business brought from us. From very first days Caucasus Travel was
supporting suppliers not only delivering business, but providing technical and even
financial assistance to become sustainable. Giving free training, sponsoring tuition,
travel costs for abroad training, facilitate international contacts and helping even
with construction elements to build missing elementary comfort facilities for
family-owned home-stays in remote mountain villages.
Most importantly - We were always providing fair remuneration for services provided by
small suppliers and employees, putting their legitimate interest on first place when
building cost of our services. As a reward we are still receiving appreciation,
friendship and most importantly - best available services for our customers charmed by
genuine hospitality
Free Training for Tour Guides
For 30 years, every year, we regularly making selection of 20-30 appropriate profiled candidates and providing them professional training for Tour Guiding. Most prominent guides form industry are giving them professional and insight knowledge and most importantly aggravating love and commitment to that very honourable profession. Training is provided free and without burdening them with preconditions to work only for us. We usually employ best of them. Most of them are working with us since their first training and we appreciate their input in our success.

Georgian Mountain Guides - from the First School to UIAGM membership
We are proud of our contributions in development of professional Mountain Guiding practice and institution in Georgia. In 1991-1993’s Georgian Guide Service (renamed later as Caucasus Travel) established first team of highly skilled and enthusiast alpinists with vision of development of profession of Mountain Guiding. In partnership with Swiss mountain guides many Georgian Mountaineers and Ski Teachers got opportunity to be trained in Switzerland. As a result in 1993 Georgia Mountain Guides Association (GMGA) and by official support of Georgian Government The Georgian Mountain Guides State School was established. Since that, these organisations have been at the forefront of developing adventure tourism institutes and implementing training programs in Georgia. From the outset, their primary goal has been to elevate the professionalism of Georgian guides to meet international standards.

Hundreds of young people from mountain areas were trained over past 30 years and most successful one made to the IFMGA guide standards. In 2016, the GMGA, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) and the Mountain Resorts Development Company (MRDC) of the Ministry of Economy, founded the Adventure Tourism School (ATS).
As crown of decades long activities, in 2022 Georgian Mountain Guides Association finally deserved great recognition - becoming member of IFMGA (International Federation of Mountain Guides) top reputable organisation uniting Mountain Guides from only 25 member countries.

Supporting Startups
With our business partners we made very first steps of creating ecosystem for business startups development in Georgia. Great case of this is Sponsorship of Georgian Chapter of Creative Business Cup, which is a global competition with more than 70 creative supernovas, brilliant keynote speakers, judges and investors. National winners of Start Up competitions taking part in final completion taking place in Copenhagen every year. By sponsoring Creative Business Cup Georgia during many years, we are pleased encouraging growth of this ecosystem in benefit of Country’s business and Economics development

Welcome Challenge - Global Forum for Hospitality and Travel Industry Innovations
Initiated, organised, sponsored by us and held in Tbilisi, with the support of the GNTA and UNWTO, the forum brought together the most innovative startups from 100 countries, the industry’s leading experts, as well as investors looking for new investment opportunities. During three days Hospitality and Travel Industry innovators presented the best, brightest and most inventive ways to impact and disrupt the business status quo, in front of international jury, chaired by Richard McAniff (former vice-president of Microsoft, also founder of Steller.co) and completed by highly reputable professionals from USA, Europe and Japan.

Georgian Rugby Club JIKI (Panther)
We are glad being a sponsor of one of the best rugby team in the country JIKI Champion of
Georgian National Championship BIG 10. Supporting this excellent team, we had
opportunity to play modest role in developing of this very favourite sport of all
The Club gave many great rugby players to Georgian National Team, which has gained great
recognition already decades ago and assuredly climbing up to make Georgia listed in
Top10 Rugby Nations.

Go green…
Our commitment to Ecology and Sustainable Tourism development is not limited with only eliminating some negative impacts of travel industry on environment. Even in office work, we are green minded and have successfully reduced use of paper almost by 90%, thanks to automatisation and unique software development. But still - Goal is to achieve zero paper use.
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

On April 4th, 2017 Caucasus Travel signed the document of Private Sector Commitment to
the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. Caucasus Travel is among five hundred sixty
private enterprises Worldwide, that joined the Global Code of Ethics and Corporate
We were honoured to receive that document from hands of Mr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary
General of UNWTO. Couple of other Georgian companies also honoured to sign the document,
which is indication of country’s tourism industry achievements.
Actually, we’ve been committed to the Global Code of Ethics since even earlier than that, from our very first steps.

Iveria Hotel in Tbilisi back in 1992. Just after when we started our business.

Radisson Blu Iveria in Tbilisi
Caucasus Travel was established at beginning of most turbulent times of modern Georgias
history. As a result of ethnic conflicts and Russian occupation, collapse of economy,
cleansing and hundreds of thousands of Internally Displaced Persons and many other
unfortunate developments, Georgia’s tourism infrastructure was entirely destroyed.
In fact Caucasus Travel not only pioneered new tourism of country, but also acted as
capital and capacity builder of rural and remote areas of Georgia. Company rushed in
searching and bringing on board motivated, hard-working people - home and vehicle owners
Tbilisi and regions, now job-less scientists, academics, professors, teachers, young
villagers, farmers, etc. Therefore creating supply circle, which apparently became
foundation for newly built incoming tourism infrastructure of Georgia. All that was
built on
a fair base and supporting local communities.
At that times, there was no Corporate Social Responsibility meaning at that times in the
country that just started free market development and having “baby” private sector. So,
that’s why we are proud of our deeds.
Supporting Georgia’s
Travel Industry development

Delivering first Supply for building shower in Ushguli village house
Tourism is smoothly distributing wealth, bringing sustainability to S&M’s, local communities, individuals those participating in the chain of supply. Thousands of people benefited from business brought from us. From very first days Caucasus Travel was supporting suppliers not only delivering business, but providing technical and even financial assistance to become sustainable. Giving free training, sponsoring tuition, travel costs for abroad training, facilitate international contacts and helping even with construction elements to build missing elementary comfort facilities for family-owned home-stays in remote mountain villages.
Most importantly - We were always providing fair remuneration for services provided by small suppliers and employees, putting their legitimate interest on first place when building cost of our services. As a reward we are still receiving appreciation, friendship and most importantly - best available services for our customers charmed by genuine hospitality.
Free Training for Tour Guides

For 30 years, every year, we regularly making selection of 20-30 appropriate profiled candidates and providing them professional training for Tour Guiding. Most prominent guides form industry are giving them professional and insight knowledge and most importantly aggravating love and commitment to that very honourable profession. Training is provided free and without burdening them with preconditions to work only for us. We usually employ best of them. Most of them are working with us since their first training and we appreciate their input in our success.
Georgian Mountain Guides - from the First School to UIAGM membership

We are proud of our contributions in development of professional Mountain Guiding
practice and institution in Georgia. In 1991-1993’s Georgian Guide Service (renamed
later as Caucasus Travel) established first team of highly skilled and enthusiast
alpinists with vision of development of profession of Mountain Guiding. In partnership
with Swiss mountain guides many Georgian Mountaineers and Ski Teachers got opportunity
to be trained in Switzerland. As a result in 1993 Georgia Mountain Guides Association
(GMGA) and by official support of Georgian Government The Georgian Mountain Guides State
School was established. Since that, these organisations have been at the forefront of
developing adventure tourism institutes and implementing training programs in Georgia.
From the outset, their primary goal has been to elevate the professionalism of Georgian
guides to meet international standards.
Hundreds of young people from mountain areas were trained over past 30 years and most
successful one made to the IFMGA guide standards. In 2016, the GMGA, in partnership with
the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) and the Mountain Resorts Development Company
(MRDC) of the Ministry of Economy, founded the Adventure Tourism School (ATS).
As crown of decades long activities, in 2022 Georgian Mountain Guides Association
finally deserved great recognition - becoming member of IFMGA (International Federation
of Mountain Guides) top reputable organisation uniting Mountain Guides from only 25
member countries.
Supporting Startups

Together with our business partners, we’ve taken the initial steps toward establishing a foundation for the growth of Georgia’s entrepreneurial scene. A great example of this is the sponsorship of the Georgian Chapter of Creative Business Cup, which is a global competition with more than 70 creative supernovas, brilliant keynote speakers, judges, and investors. National winners of Start Up competitions take part in a final competition taking place in Copenhagen every year. By sponsoring Creative Business Cup Georgia for many years, we are pleased to be encouraging the growth of this ecosystem to the benefit of our country’s business and economic development.
Welcome Challenge - Global Forum for Hospitality and Travel Industry Innovations

Initiated, organised, sponsored by us and held in Tbilisi, with the support of the GNTA and UNWTO, the forum brought together the most innovative startups from 100 countries, the industry’s leading experts, as well as investors looking for new investment opportunities. During three days Hospitality and Travel Industry innovators presented the best, brightest and most inventive ways to impact and disrupt the business status quo, in front of international jury, chaired by Richard McAniff (former vice-president of Microsoft, also founder of Steller.co) and completed by highly reputable professionals from USA, Europe and Japan.
Georgian Rugby Club JIKI (Panther)

We are glad being a sponsor of one of the best rugby team in the country JIKI Champion of Georgian National Championship BIG 10. Supporting this excellent team, we had opportunity to play modest role in developing of this very favourite sport of all Georgians. The Club gave many great rugby players to Georgian National Team, which has gained great recognition already decades ago and assuredly climbing up to make Georgia listed in Top10 Rugby Nations.
Go green…

Our commitment to Ecology and Sustainable Tourism development is not limited with only eliminating some negative impacts of travel industry on environment. Even in office work, we are green minded and have successfully reduced use of paper almost by 90%, thanks to automatisation and unique software development. But still - Goal is to achieve zero paper use.
We’ve carried out many other projects, supporting them now and will proudly support in future for the benefit of our people, industry, and country…

We are not “Award hunters”, but when it finds us, are glad to accept symbols of recognition by professionals and media.. it is another stimulus to work hard for welcoming more visitors and give them unforgettable experience. But biggest award is appreciations and compliments received from our dear partners and dear guests.

We are members of Industry and Business Associations:

We are not “Award hunters”, but when they find us, we are glad to accept symbols of recognition by professionals and media. It is another stimulus to work hard for welcoming more visitors and give them unforgettable experiences.
But the biggest awards are appreciation and compliments received from our dear partners and dear guests.
We are members of Industry and Business Associations:

Georgian Hospitality Group is a Holding Organisation of companies and trade names below.
As usual, Caucasus Travel, as exhibitor is regularly taking part in
international travel trade shows listed by icons below.
To visit as on coming travel fairs, please go to home page to learn Show and our exact location.