Como DMC, conduzimos operações terrestres nos países do Sul do Cáucaso desde 1991,
fornecendo os melhores produtos e serviços para clientes de todo o mundo.




Os três países do Sul do Cáucaso interligam-se como peças de um quebra-cabeças numa faixa de terra montanhosa, encravada entre os mares Negro e Cáspio. Cada um partilha uma fronteira com os outros dois, mas dificilmente poderiam ser mais diferentes. Três línguas não relacionadas são faladas aqui e duas religiões diferentes dominam. Mas o povo muçulmano do Azerbaijão e os cristãos da Arménia e da Geórgia têm raízes pagãs robustas, um amor pela vida e uma forte cultura de hospitalidade e de lar. A Grande Rota da Seda estendeu-se por todos os países do Sul do Cáucaso.

Era uma vez um fluxo de antigas caravanas que transportavam joias delicadas, pedras preciosas e especiarias. Hoje, enquanto viajamos pelos países do Cáucaso, os locais da Grande Rota da Seda ainda podem despertar a imaginação.

O Cáucaso ostenta evidências de uma cultura outrora florescente, com impressionantes monumentos arquitetônicos, sítios arqueológicos e pagãos, joias monásticas e mesquitas centenárias, sítios naturais e parques nacionais, bem como cidades mergulhadas em uma longa história de influência soviética, cristã, pagã, árabe, assim como das culturas persa e turca.

Existe uma elevada densidade de locais e monumentos muito importantes, por isso somos altamente seletivos no que apresentamos aos visitantes. No entanto, veja no mapa abaixo uma pequena amostra de lugares “imperdíveis” nos três países.

Por favor, clique na foto do site para ver a localização e a descrição, ou clique no símbolo numerado do site no mapa para corresponder à descrição

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



Translated as "The Life-giving pillar" is the fortified cathedral dating from 11th century. It is a bright example of Georgian renaissance architecture and a sacred place, where the Robe of Christ is buried. GE

Ananuri Architectural Complex


Former residence of Dukes of Aragvi region, beautifully overlooking Jinvali reservoir. The complex includes churches and towers dating back to the 15-17thcc. GE

Gergeti Trinity Church


(14th c) - Situated on the slopes of Mt. Kazbek at 2170 m, is the most important church of Khevi province. The stone decorations on the facade of the church help us to understand the ancient rituals and beliefs. GE



Rock-hewn town (1st Mill. BC), which is notable for unique combination of various styles of rock-cut cultures and the co-existence of pagan and Christian architecture. Here you can see ancient city's fascinating elements. GE



The town is famous for its wine and carpet making culture. Enjoy breathtaking views of Kizikhi area and unusual charm of Sighnaghi – so called ‘City of Love’ which is surrounded by 18th c. fortified town wall. GE

Tsinandali Family Estate


Family Estate and wine cellar, which once belonged to the 19th century aristocratic poet Alexander Chavchavadze. The residence consists of summer home, garden and winery, featuring several vintages of white wine. GE

Alaverdi Cathedral


(11th c) the tallest Georgian church of its time was built in Alazani Valey - holy place since pagan times. This elegant church with decor of grape vines and the sun on the facade is noted by its simplicity and monumentality. GE



16th-century architectural complex representing remains from the once flourishing town destroyed during the invasion of Shah-Abas. The complex consists of royal citadel, the Church of the Archangels and archaeological museum. GE



The historical center of Akhaltsikhe was mainly built in the 13th cc and developed under the influence of different cultures. On the territory of the complex there is a Church, Mosque, Minaret, Synagogue as well as Historical museum. GE

Khertvisi Fortress


The fortress already existed in the 10th c, although there is an evidence of earlier construction work. Two tunnels lead down to the river, one served as a water supply route, the other for communication. GE

Jvari Monastery


The 6th century cross-shaped monastery built on the top of a cliff, overlooking the confluence of Aragvi and Mtkvari rivers. At this place St. Nino, enlightener of Georgia, erected a large wooden cross on the site of a pagan temple. GE

Vardzia Cave Complex


Founded during the reign of Georgia III and Queen Tamar (12th-13th cc). The complex became a well fortified monastery, which had a significant role in the political, cultural, educational and spiritual life of Georgia. GE



Georgia’s second largest city. t is believed to be the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Colchis. The city represents an interesting mixture of architectural styles and boasts variety of cultural and religious sites, as well as museum treasures. GE



The architectural complex, founded by King David the Builder in the 12thc. includes the main church of the Virgin, St. George’s church, St. Nicolas’ church and Gelati Academy - a significant center of culture, religion and philosophy. GE



Church in Kutaisi, built by King Bagrat III (1003 AD) is a marvelous example of domed-church architecture, noted with impressive examples of stone carving. Cathedral damaged throughout centuries was reconstructed to its present state. GE

Prometheus Speleological Caves


Prometheus Speleological Caves offer 16 rooms sharply differing fossil deposits, with spectacular views of stalactites, stalagmites, helictite, drapes, petrified waterfalls, cave pearls, underground rivers and lakes and more. GE

Martvili Canyon


located in Samegrelo region was named among eight best scuba diving sites in Europe. Taking boat or walking tours, you can explore the mountain river gorge, limestone natural bridges, waterfalls, and unique nature. GE

Anchiskhati Basilica


(6th-18thcc) named after the treasured icon of the Sorvior of Anchi is the oldest surviving Basilica in Tbilisi. In front of entrance to the church, stands an elegant bell tower, typical of the late medieval Georgian style. GE

Dadiani Palace


Historical and Architectural museum complex includes the palace of the prince of Samegrelo Region, botanical garden and museum exhibiting different thematic collections and treasury collected by Dadiani family. GE



Located at about 2200 m. above sea level, is the highest village in Europe. Unique middle age Village-fortification in Svaneti, representing a junction of watchtowers, dwelling complexes and basilicas decorated with the murals. GE



Very popular sea resort with modern skyline, is one of the oldest cities in Georgia inhabited from as early as the third century BC. Batumi is mentioned by Greek and Roman sources as one of the principal ports of the Black Sea. GE

Gonio Fortress


(3rd-2nd cc. BC), known as "Asparunt" meaning "the place of water", was one of the biggest ports of its time and the best example of Roman-Byzantine military architecture. GE

Narikala Fortress


An ancient, 4th century fortress of Tbilisi built on a steep hill, overlooking the capital of Georgia and the Mtkvari river valley. The fortress was established in the 4th century as Shuris-tsikhe (i.e.,‘Invidious Fort’). GE

Baku Icheri Sheher


Old City (7th-12th cc)is the historical core of Baku. The Old City is the most ancient part of Baku, which is surrounded by walls. Juma Mosque, stating the year 126 according to Islamic calendar as the establishment year. AZ

Shirvanshahs' Palace


The complex contains the main building of the palace, Divanhane, the burial-vaults, the shah's mosque with a minaret, mausoleum, a portal in the east , a reservoir and the remnants of the bath-house. AZ



The king Gorgasali (5th c.), when hunting, caught a pheasant on the wing that fell directly into one of the hot springs. King ordered the city to be built around it and called it Tbilisi, ”Tbili” means “warm” in Georgian. GE

Shirvanshahs' Palace


The complex contains the main building of the palace, Divanhane, the burial-vaults, the shah's mosque with a minaret, mausoleum, a portal in the east , a reservoir and the remnants of the bath-house. AZ



Is a repository of ancient manuscripts, research institute and museum in Yerevan. The collection includes Armenian manuscripts, as well as Arabic, Persian, Greek, Syrian, Latin, Ethiopian, Indian, Japanese and other manuscripts. AM

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum


Azerbaijan Carpet Museum will amaze you with its vast collection of more than 10.000 items. Aside from carpets woven in 17th-20th centuries, a collection of jewelry, ceramics and old metal works is also a part of the exhibition. AZ



Hellenistic temple built in the 1st century AD which served as a summer residence for Armenian kings. It is the only pagan temple on the territory of modern Armenia, others were destroyed after the adoption of Christianity. AM



Geghard Monastery was founded in the 4th century by Gregory the Illuminator at the site of a sacred spring inside a cave. It is partially carved out of the adjacent mountain, surrounded by cliffs at the entrance to the Azat Valley. AM



Ateshgah is an ancient religious temple of fire worshipers built in 17th century. Many foreign travellers and historians have described this castle like place. It is one of the sacred places Zoroastrians used to visit and still do during their pilgrimage. AZ



Echmiadzin is the center of the Armenian Church and the residence of the Catholicos of all Armenians and the location of the Echmiadzin Cathedral. The earliest domed church was built in AD 301-303. AM

Khor Virap (“Deep Dungeon”)


One of the holiest sites, where in the underground pit Gregory the Illuminator was imprisoned before converting King Tiridat III to Christianity. Its location offers a spectacular view of the mountain Ararat. AM



Noravank Monastery (7th-8th cc) is located in a narrow gorge made by the Amaghu River. The road to monastery is an adventure itself. The high rocks on both sides of the path almost cover the sky above until the picturesque view of monastery opens. AM



Yanardag is a unique geological site where natural gas escaping from the ground burns continuously. This natural phenomenon was formed by marsh-gas condensate which comes to the surface under intense pressure. AZ

The Zvartnots


The Zvartnots (7th cc) was built to suppress the Echmiatzin Cathedral in grandeur. Complex consists of a temple and the palace of Catholicos Nerses III. Now in ruins, it is located at the edge of the city of Etchmiadzin. AM

Lake Sevan


The largest lake in and one of the largest high-altitude lakes in the world. Its surface is at an altitude of 1,950 m above sea level. Armenians call this volcanic origin lake - “The Blue Pearl” of Armenia. AM



Sevanavank Monastery complex founded in 874, is located on a peninsula at the northwestern shore of Lake Sevan. Here you can find many fine samples of Khachkar - carved memorial stone stele bearing a cross and often additional motives. AM



"Forest of Khachkars" (cross-stones) is an old graveyard with approx. 900 khachkars from various periods and of various styles. The Khachkar is unique Armenian tradition, incorporating both pagan and Christian symbols. AM



Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape site is occupying the southeast end of the Big Caucasian Ridge in Azerbaijan. It represents an outstanding collection of over 7000 rock engravings dating from Upper Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. AZ

Mud Volcanoes


Azerbaijan has the most significant number of mud volcanoes in the world, concentrated mainly at the eastern part of the country. They primarily consist of marsh-gas, but also other hydrocarbons and ineffective gases. AZ



Haghpat Monastery founded by Queen Khosrovanuysh in 976, is one of the best examples of Armenian religious architecture, laying in a picturesque landscape. Monastery was a major center of learning in the Middle Ages. AM



Sanahin Monastery (10th-13th cc) represents a fusion of vernacular and Byzantine ecclesiastic Architecture. Sanahin was the administrative centre and family burial place of the Kyurikyan Bagratids, as well as the Episcopal residence. AM



Tatev Monastery (9th-13th cc) is located on the edge of basalt plateau in Tatev village and was center of Armenian intellectual life where philosophers, musicians, painters, calligraphers, and monks lived. AM



Armenia’s second-largest city is country’s creative capital and historical hub. City boasts old neighborhoods with characteristic black stone houses. In historical center there are number of restaurants, cafes, craft studious and galleries. AM

Juma Mosque


Juma Mosque in Shemakhi (743-744) Construction date was defined with Arab ligature on the facade of the Mosque. Historical appearance of monument is related to Arabs’ governance and spreading of Islam on the territory of Azerbaijan. AZ



Quba is a small town located on the north east of Azerbaijan, offering unique culinary experiences in numerous small restaurants. The site is famous for its finest carpets. Carpet waving is still popular among local women. AZ



Picturesque village is located at around 2300 m above sea level. Over 380 Houses built from stones climb the mountain and resemble a multi-story building. The roof of one house is the courtyard of another house located above. AZ



Lahij is a small village with stone houses, cobbled streets, and number craft shops. Historically, there have been seven residential quarters surrounded by seven mountains, seven springs, seven mosques and seven baths in Lahij. AZ

Sheki Khan’s Palace (1790-1797)


The summer residence is the only remaining structure from the larger palatial complex inside the Sheki Khans’ Fortress. Its façade is covered with colored tiles and beautiful mosaics. AZ

Albanian Church


Albanian Church in village Kish is believed to be the first Christian church built in the Caucasus region. First church stood here back in the 1st cc. The site is often referred to one of the oldest spiritual centers of the Caucasian Albania. AZ

A CAUCASUS TRAVEL, como DMC, conduz operações de turismo terrestre nos países do Sul do Cáucaso, em cooperação com a maioria dos parceiros e fornecedores profissionais, trazendo os melhores produtos e serviços a clientes de todo o mundo. Temos décadas de vasta experiência no fornecimento de serviços de hospitalidade e viagens. Oferecemos o melhor da Geórgia, Armênia e Azerbaijão: locais culturais e religiosos importantes e valiosos, museus, reservas naturais, aventura, entretenimento, comida requintada, vinho e momentos agradáveis.

Combinamos os países, culturas e tradições, numa mistura de passeios genuínos baseados na melhor hospitalidade.



Território: 69,700 quilômetros quadrados

População:: 3 688 600

Capital: Tbilissi - 1 200 000

Cidades principais: Batumi - 173 700, Kutaisi - 130 000

Aeroportos principais:

Aeroporto Internacional de Tbilisi - TBS

Aeroporto Internacional de Batumi - BUS

Aeroporto Internacional de Kutaisi - KUT

Língua oficial: Georgiano

Alfabeto: Georgiano (33 letras)

Clima: Um clima subtropical úmido na Geórgia Ocidental e subtropical a moderado na Geórgia Oriental

Fuso horário: GMT +4 (FIXO - Sem horário de verão)

Religião principal: Cristão Ortodoxo

Moeda (Código): Lari (GEL - Lari georgiano)

Telefone: Código do país: 995 Código de área de Tbilissi: 32

Eletricidade: 220 volts, 50 Hz.

Tipo de tomada: Europlug, Schuko

Visto: Não é necessário visto para a Geórgia para cidadãos dos EUA, Canadá, Brasil, Argentina, Japão, Israel, Turquia, cidadãos de países membros da UE e da CEI - a lista completa está disponível em Aqueles que necessitarem de visto para a Geórgia poderão obter o visto eletrônico através do site Passaporte: O passaporte deve ser válido por pelo menos seis meses.

Festivais e feriados nacionais:

1-2 Jan/Feriado de Ano Novo; 7 Jan/Natal; 19 Jan/A Epifania; 3 Mar/Dia das Mães; 8 Mar/Dia Internacional da Mulher; 9 Abr/Dia da Unidade Nacional; 9 de maio/Dia da Vitória sobre o Fascismo; 12 de maio/Dia de Comemoração de Santo Apóstolo André; 26 de maio/Dia da Independência da Geórgia; 28 de agosto/dia da Assunção da Virgem Maria; 14 de outubro / 'Mtskhetoba' (Feriado de Svetitskhovloba), 23 de novembro / Dia de São Jorge.
* O feriado de Páscoa na Geórgia ocorre em datas variáveis a cada ano (sexta a segunda)


Território: 29 800 quilômetros quadrados

População: 2 961 900

Capital: Erevan - 1 092 800

Cidades principais: Gyumri - 110 200, Vanadzor - 76 220

Aeroportos principais:

Aeroporto Internacional de Zvartnots - EVN

Aeroporto Internacional de Shirak: LWN

Língua oficial: Armênio

Alfabeto: Armênio

Clima: Terras Altas continentais

Fuso horário: GMT +4 (FIXO - Sem horário de verão)

Religião principal: Cristão (Apostólico Armênio)

Moeda (Código): Dram Armênio (AMD)

Telefone: Código do país: 374 Código de área de Erevan: 10

Eletricidade: 220 volts, 50 Hz.

Tipo de tomada: Europlug, Schuko

Visto: O visto pode ser obtido na fronteira com a Armênia na chegada. Encontre informações sobre requisitos de visto na Armênia em Os cidadãos de alguns países necessitam de carta-convite para obter visto no consulado da Armênia em seu país de residência. A lista dos países pode ser encontrada em
Passaporte: O passaporte deve ser válido por pelo menos seis meses.

Festivais e feriados nacionais:

31 Dez-1 Jan / Feriado de Ano Novo; 6 Jan/Natal; 8 Mar/Dia Internacional da Mulher; 24 de abril/Dia em Memória do Genocídio; 9 de maio/Dia da Vitória e da Paz; 28 de maio/Dia da Primeira República; 5 jul/Dia da Constituição; 21 de setembro/Dia da Independência
* O feriado de Páscoa na ARMÊNIA ocorre em datas variáveis a cada ano (sexta a segunda)


Território: 86 600 quilômetros quadrados

População: 10 346 250

Capital: Baku - 2 293 100

Cidades principais: Ganja - 335 600, Sumqayit - 358 680

Aeroportos principais:

Aeroporto Internacional Heydar Aliyev - GYD

Aeroporto Internacional de Lankaran - LLK

Aeroporto Internacional de Zaqatala -ZTU

Língua oficial: Azeri

Alfabeto: Latino

Clima: Varia de subtropical e seco no Azerbaijão Central e Oriental a subtropical e úmido no sudeste.

Fuso horário: GMT +4 (FIXO - Sem horário de verão)

Religião principal: Islã

Moeda (Código): Novo Manat do Azerbaijão (AZN)

Telefone: Código do país: 994 Código de área de Baku: 12

Eletricidade: 220 volts, 50 Hz.

Tipo de tomada: Europlug, Schuko

Visto: O visto para o Azerbaijão deve ser providenciado antes da chegada. Encontre informações sobre os requisitos em Observe que o visto eletrônico para o Azerbaijão pode ser fornecido pelo nosso operador turístico local. Passaporte: O passaporte deve ser válido por pelo menos seis meses.

Festivais e feriados nacionais:

1-2 Jan/Feriado de Ano Novo; 20 Jan/Dia do Luto Nacional; 8 Mar/Dia Internacional da Mulher; 9 Mai / Dia da Vitória; 28 a 29 de maio/Dia da República; 15 de junho/Dia da Salvação; 26 Jun/Dia das Forças Armadas; 9 Nov/Dia da Bandeira; 31 Dez/Dia da Solidariedade.
*Alguns feriados no Azerbaijão são comemorados em datas diferentes a cada ano:
- Feriado Novrus (primavera - segunda a sábado)
- Feriado Ramazan Bayram (primavera, verão - sexta a segunda) - Feriado Gurban Bayram (verão - quarta a quinta)







We have been providing tourism activities throughout the South Caucasus countries as a DMC since 1991,

The three countries of the South Caucasus interlock like puzzle pieces on a strip of mountainous land, wedged between the Black and Caspian seas. Each shares a border with the other two, yet they could hardly be more different. Three unrelated languages are spoken here, and two different religions hold sway. But the Muslim people of Azerbaijan and the Christians of Armenia and Georgia all have robust pagan roots, a love of life and a strong culture of hospitality, home and hearth. The Great Silk road was stretched across all South Caucasus countries.

Once upon a time ancient caravans passed here, carrying delicate jewels, precious stones and spices.

Today, while traveling through the Caucasus Countries, the Great Silk Road sites can still spark the imagination.

The Caucasus boasts evidence of a once flourishing culture, with impressive architectural monuments, archaeological and pagan sites, monastic jewels and centuries old mosques, nature sites, and National Parks as well as cities steeped in a long history of Soviet, Christian, pagan, Arab, Persian, and Turkish cultures.

We offer the best of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan: important and valuable cultural and religious sites, museums, nature reserves, adventure, entertainment, exquisite food, wine, and enjoyable time.

There is a high density of very important sites and monuments, so we are highly selective on what we present to visitors. Please just look on the map below for the orange spots, markers of top “must-see cultural sites” in all three countries.


UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites


The king Gorgasali (5th c.), when hunting, caught a pheasant on the wing that fell directly into one of the hot springs. King ordered the city to be built around it and called it Tbilisi, ”Tbili” means “warm” in Georgian. GE

Narikala Fortress

An ancient, 4th century fortress of Tbilisi built on a steep hill, overlooking the capital of Georgia and the Mtkvari river valley. The fortress was established in the 4th century as Shuris-tsikhe (i.e.,‘Invidious Fort’). GE

Anchiskhati Basilica

(6th-18thcc) named after the treasured icon of the Sorvior of Anchi is the oldest surviving Basilica in Tbilisi. In front of entrance to the church, stands an elegant bell tower, typical of the late medieval Georgian style. GE

Jvari Monastery

The 6th century cross-shaped monastery built on the top of a cliff, overlooking the confluence of Aragvi and Mtkvari rivers. At this place St. Nino, enlightener of Georgia, erected a large wooden cross on the site of a pagan temple. GE


Translated as "The Life-giving pillar" is the fortified cathedral dating from 11th century. It is a bright example of Georgian renaissance architecture and a sacred place, where the Robe of Christ is buried. GE


Former residence of Dukes of Aragvi region, beautifully overlooking Jinvali reservoir. The complex includes churches and towers dating back to the 15-17thcc. GE

Gergeti Trinity Church

(14th c) - Situated on the slopes of Mt. Kazbek at 2170 m, is the most important church of Khevi province. The stone decorations on the facade of the church help us to understand the ancient rituals and beliefs. GE


Rock-hewn town (1st Mill. BC), which is notable for unique combination of various styles of rock-cut cultures and the co-existence of pagan and Christian architecture. Here you can see ancient city's fascinating elements. GE


The town is famous for its wine and carpet making culture. Enjoy breathtaking views of Kizikhi area and unusual charm of Sighnaghi – so called ‘City of Love’ which is surrounded by 18th c. fortified town wall. GE

Tsinandali Family Estate

Family Estate and wine cellar, which once belonged to the 19th century aristocratic poet Alexander Chavchavadze. The residence consists of summer home, garden and winery, featuring several vintages of white wine. GE

Alaverdi Cathedral

(11th c) the tallest Georgian church of its time was built in Alazani Valey - holy place since pagan times. This elegant church with decor of grape vines and the sun on the facade is noted by its simplicity and monumentality. GE


16th-century architectural complex representing remains from the once flourishing town destroyed during the invasion of Shah-Abas. The complex consists of royal citadel, the Church of the Archangels and archaeological museum. GE


The historical center of Akhaltsikhe was mainly built in the 13th cc and developed under the influence of different cultures. On the territory of the complex there is a Church, Mosque, Minaret, Synagogue as well as Historical museum. GE

Khertvisi Fortress

The fortress already existed in the 10th c, although there is an evidence of earlier construction work. Two tunnels lead down to the river, one served as a water supply route, the other for communication. GE

Vardzia Cave Complex

Founded during the reign of Georgia III and Queen Tamar (12th-13th cc). The complex became a well fortified monastery, which had a significant role in the political, cultural, educational and spiritual life of Georgia. GE


Georgia’s second largest city. t is believed to be the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Colchis. The city represents an interesting mixture of architectural styles and boasts variety of cultural and religious sites, as well as museum treasures. GE


The architectural complex, founded by King David the Builder in the 12thc. includes the main church of the Virgin, St. George’s church, St. Nicolas’ church and Gelati Academy - a significant center of culture, religion and philosophy. GE


Church in Kutaisi, built by King Bagrat III (1003 AD) is a marvelous example of domed-church architecture, noted with impressive examples of stone carving. Cathedral damaged throughout centuries was reconstructed to its present state. GE

Prometheus Speleological Caves

Prometheus Speleological Caves offer 16 rooms sharply differing fossil deposits, with spectacular views of stalactites, stalagmites, helictite, drapes, petrified waterfalls, cave pearls, underground rivers and lakes and more. GE

Martvili Canyon

located in Samegrelo region was named among eight best scuba diving sites in Europe. Taking boat or walking tours, you can explore the mountain river gorge, limestone natural bridges, waterfalls, and unique nature. GE

Dadiani Palace

Historical and Architectural museum complex includes the palace of the prince of Samegrelo Region, botanical garden and museum exhibiting different thematic collections and treasury collected by Dadiani family. GE


Located at about 2200 m. above sea level, is the highest village in Europe. Unique middle age Village-fortification in Svaneti, representing a junction of watchtowers, dwelling complexes and basilicas decorated with the murals. GE


Very popular sea resort with modern skyline, is one of the oldest cities in Georgia inhabited from as early as the third century BC. Batumi is mentioned by Greek and Roman sources as one of the principal ports of the Black Sea. GE

Gonio Fortress

(3rd-2nd cc. BC), known as "Asparunt" meaning "the place of water", was one of the biggest ports of its time and the best example of Roman-Byzantine military architecture. GE



UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites


Is a repository of ancient manuscripts, research institute and museum in Yerevan. The collection includes Armenian manuscripts, as well as Arabic, Persian, Greek, Syrian, Latin, Ethiopian, Indian, Japanese and other manuscripts. AM


Hellenistic temple built in the 1st century AD which served as a summer residence for Armenian kings. It is the only pagan temple on the territory of modern Armenia, others were destroyed after the adoption of Christianity. AM


Geghard Monastery was founded in the 4th century by Gregory the Illuminator at the site of a sacred spring inside a cave. It is partially carved out of the adjacent mountain, surrounded by cliffs at the entrance to the Azat Valley. AM


Echmiadzin is the center of the Armenian Church and the residence of the Catholicos of all Armenians and the location of the Echmiadzin Cathedral. The earliest domed church was built in AD 301-303. AM

Khor Virap (“Deep Dungeon”)

One of the holiest sites, where in the underground pit Gregory the Illuminator was imprisoned before converting King Tiridat III to Christianity. Its location offers a spectacular view of the mountain Ararat. AM


Noravank Monastery (7th-8th cc) is located in a narrow gorge made by the Amaghu River. The road to monastery is an adventure itself. The high rocks on both sides of the path almost cover the sky above until the picturesque view of monastery opens. AM

The Zvartnots

The Zvartnots (7th cc) was built to suppress the Echmiatzin Cathedral in grandeur. Complex consists of a temple and the palace of Catholicos Nerses III. Now in ruins, it is located at the edge of the city of Etchmiadzin. AM

Lake Sevan

The largest lake in and one of the largest high-altitude lakes in the world. Its surface is at an altitude of 1,950 m above sea level. Armenians call this volcanic origin lake - “The Blue Pearl” of Armenia. AM


Sevanavank Monastery complex founded in 874, is located on a peninsula at the northwestern shore of Lake Sevan. Here you can find many fine samples of Khachkar - carved memorial stone stele bearing a cross and often additional motives. AM


"Forest of Khachkars" (cross-stones) is an old graveyard with approx. 900 khachkars from various periods and of various styles. The Khachkar is unique Armenian tradition, incorporating both pagan and Christian symbols. AM


Haghpat Monastery founded by Queen Khosrovanuysh in 976, is one of the best examples of Armenian religious architecture, laying in a picturesque landscape. Monastery was a major center of learning in the Middle Ages. AM


Sanahin Monastery (10th-13th cc) represents a fusion of vernacular and Byzantine ecclesiastic Architecture. Sanahin was the administrative centre and family burial place of the Kyurikyan Bagratids, as well as the Episcopal residence. AM


Tatev Monastery (9th-13th cc) is located on the edge of basalt plateau in Tatev village and was center of Armenian intellectual life where philosophers, musicians, painters, calligraphers, and monks lived. AM


Armenia’s second-largest city is country’s creative capital and historical hub. City boasts old neighborhoods with characteristic black stone houses. In historical center there are number of restaurants, cafes, craft studious and galleries. AM



UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites

Baku Icheri Sheher

Old City (7th-12th cc) is the historical core of Baku. The Old City is the most ancient part of Baku, which is surrounded by walls. Juma Mosque, stating the year 126 according to Islamic calendar as the establishment year. AZ

Shirvanshahs' Palace

The complex contains the main building of the palace, Divanhane, the burial-vaults, the shah's mosque with a minaret, mausoleum, a portal in the east , a reservoir and the remnants of the bath-house. AZThe complex contains the main building of the palace, Divanhane, the burial-vaults, the shah's mosque with a minaret, mausoleum, a portal in the east , a reservoir and the remnants of the bath-house. AZ

Maiden Tower

or also known as Giz Galasi located in the old city of Baku is an ancient tower built as a part of the walled city of Baku (12th c). Maiden Tower houses a museum, which presents the story of historic evolution of the city. AZ

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum will amaze you with its vast collection of more than 10.000 items. Aside from carpets woven in 17th-20th centuries, a collection of jewelry, ceramics and old metal works is also a part of the exhibition. AZ


Ateshgah is an ancient religious temple of fire worshipers built in 17th century. Many foreign travellers and historians have described this castle like place. It is one of the sacred places Zoroastrians used to visit and still do during their pilgrimage. AZ


Yanardag is a unique geological site where natural gas escaping from the ground burns continuously. This natural phenomenon was formed by marsh-gas condensate which comes to the surface under intense pressure. AZ


Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape site is occupying the southeast end of the Big Caucasian Ridge in Azerbaijan. It represents an outstanding collection of over 7000 rock engravings dating from Upper Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. AZ

Mud Volcanoes

Azerbaijan has the most significant number of mud volcanoes in the world, concentrated mainly at the eastern part of the country. They primarily consist of marsh-gas, but also other hydrocarbons and ineffective gases. AZ

Juma Mosque

Juma Mosque in Shemakhi (743-744) Construction date was defined with Arab ligature on the facade of the Mosque. Historical appearance of monument is related to Arabs’ governance and spreading of Islam on the territory of Azerbaijan. AZ


Quba is a small town located on the north east of Azerbaijan, offering unique culinary experiences in numerous small restaurants. The site is famous for its finest carpets. Carpet waving is still popular among local women. AZ


Picturesque village is located at around 2300 m above sea level. Over 380 Houses built from stones climb the mountain and resemble a multi-story building. The roof of one house is the courtyard of another house located above. AZ


Lahij is a small village with stone houses, cobbled streets, and number craft shops. Historically, there have been seven residential quarters surrounded by seven mountains, seven springs, seven mosques and seven baths in Lahij. AZ

Sheki Khan’s Palace (1790-1797)

The summer residence is the only remaining structure from the larger palatial complex inside the Sheki Khans’ Fortress. Its façade is covered with colored tiles and beautiful mosaics. AZ

Albanian Church

Albanian Church in village Kish is believed to be the first Christian church built in the Caucasus region. First church stood here back in the 1st cc. The site is often referred to one of the oldest spiritual centers of the Caucasian Albania. AZ


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We combine the countries, cultures, and traditions, in a blend of genuine hospitality-based experiential tours

CAUCASUS TRAVEL as a DMC conducts land-based tourism operations in the South Caucasus countries in cooperation with most professional partners and suppliers providing the best product and services to customers from all over the world. We have decades of outstanding experience in providing hospitality and travel services. We offer the best of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan: important and valuable cultural and religious sites, museums, nature reserves, adventure, entertainment, exquisite food, wine, and enjoyable time.



Territory: 69,700 sq km

Population: 3 688 600

Capital City: Tbilisi - 1 200 000

Main Cities: Batumi - 173 700, Kutaisi - 130 000

Main Airports:

Tbilisi International Airport - TBS

Batumi International Airport - BUS

Kutaisi International Airport - KUT

Official Language: Georgian

Script: Georgian (33 Letters)

Climate: A humid subtropical climate in Western Georgia and subtropical to moderate in Eastern Georgia

Time zone: GMT +4 (FIXED- No Daylight Saving Time)

Main Religion: Orthodox Christian

Currency (Code): Lari (GEL - Georgian Lari)

Telephone: Country code: 995 Area code for Tbilisi: 32

Electricity: 220 volt, 50 Hz.

Socket Type: Europlug, Schuko

Visa: Visa is not required for Georgia for the citizens of the USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, Israel, Turkey, citizens of EU member countries and CIS - full list is available on Those, who require visa for Georgia will be able to obtain e-visa through Passport: Passport must be valid for at least six months.

National Holidays:

1-2 Jan / New Year Holiday; 7 Jan / Christmas; 19 Jan / The Epiphany; 3 Mar / Mother's Day; 8 Mar / Women's International Day; 9 Apr / Day of National Unity; 9 May / Victory Day over Fascism; 12 May / Commemoration Day of St. Apostle Andrew; 26 May / Independence Day of Georgia; 28 Aug / the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary; 14 Oct / 'Mtskhetoba' (Holiday of Svetitskhovloba), 23 Nov / St. George's Day.
* Easter Holiday in Georgia is on variable dates each year (Friday to Monday)


Territory: 29 800 sq km

Population: 2 961 900

Capital City: Yerevan - 1 092 800

Main Cities: Gyumri -110 200, Vanadzor - 76 220

Main Airports:

Zvartnots International Airport - EVN

Shirak International Airport: LWN

Official Language: Armenian

Script: Armenian

Climate: Highland continental

Time zone: GMT +4 (Daylight Saving Time)

Main Religion: Christian (Armenian Apostolic)

Currency (Code): Armenian Dram (AMD)

Telephone: Country code: 374 Area code for Yerevan: 10

Electricity: 220 volt, 50 Hz.

Socket Type: Europlug, Schuko

Visa: Visa can be obtained at Armenian border upon arrival. Please find information about visa requirements in Armenia on The citizens of some countries need invitation letter in order to get visa at the consulate of Armenia in their country of residence. The list of the countries can be found on
Passport: Passport must be valid for at least six months.

National Holidays:

31 Dec-1 Jan / New Year’s Holiday; 6 Jan / Christmas; 8 Mar / Women’s International Day; 24 April / Genocide Remembrance Day; 9 May / Victory and Peace Day; 28 May / The First Republic Day; 5 Jul / Constitution Day; 21 Sep / Independence Day
* Easter Holiday in Armenia is on variable dates each year (Friday to Monday)


Territory: 86 600 sq km

Population: 10 346 250

Capital City: Baku - 2 293 100

Main Cities: Ganja - 335 600, Sumqayit - 358 680

Main Airports:

Heydar Aliyev International Airport - GYD

Lankaran International Airport - LLK

Zaqatala International Airport -ZTU

Official Language: Azeri

Script: Latin

Climate: Varies from subtropical and dry in Central and Eastern Azerbaijan to subtropical and humid in the southeast.

Time zone: GMT +4 (Daylight Saving Time)

Main Religion: Islam

Currency (Code): New Azerbaijani Manat (AZN)

Telephone: Country code: 994 Area code for Baku: 12

Electricity: 220 volt, 50 Hz.

Socket Type: Europlug, Schuko

Visa: Visa for Azerbaijan has to be arranged before arrival. You can find information about visa requirements on Please note, that e-visa for Azerbaijan can be provided by our local partner Tour Operator. Passport: Passport must be valid for at least six months.

National Holidays:

-2 Jan / New Year Holiday; 20 Jan / National Mourning Day; 8 Mar / International Women’s Day; 9 My / Victory Day; 28 -29 May / Republic Day; 15 Jun / Salvation Day; 26 Jun / Armed Forces Day; 9 Nov / Flag Day; 31 Dec / Solidarity Day.
* Some holidays in Azerbaijan are celebrated on different date each year:
- Novrus Holiday (Spring -Monday to Saturday)
- Ramazan Bayram Holiday (Spring, Summer - Friday to Monday) - Gurban Bayram Holiday (Summer - Wednesday to Thursday)